How we handle the Personal Data Regulation (GDPR)
TIMEmSYSTEM works on the basis of an IT security policy, which is the overall framework for IT security for the company, its employees and suppliers. That is why TIMEmSYSTEM has developed internal processes and procedures that enable us to achieve a level of security that complies with ISO27001.
In this way, TIMEmSYSTEM wishes to demonstrate its professional management of the IT area, which is the foundation of daily work, in order to be perceived as a stable and credible partner.
Our handling of your data is simply to access and view it in connection with updates and support. Your data is typically with the hosting provider or other affiliates responsible for your data. We are in dialogue with these and are collaborating on new updated data processing agreements.
All TIMEmSYSTEM employees take great responsibility for protecting data, software and hardware from abuse, tampering, destruction and loss, as well as from being flawed. Protection must thus work against all kinds of threats, internal or external - accidental or deliberate.
We point out that it is your responsibility to inform your employees that if an employee or HR administrator wants to make use of the new GDPR requirements, this must go through the current or previous employer and be justified, as TIMEmSYSTEM does not accept inquiries from individuals. TIMEmSYSTEM only deals with companies with a CVR or EAN no.
GDPR requirements:
The right to gain access to their personal data (right of access)
The right to have their personal data deleted (the right to be forgotten)
As a customer, you can always ask questions or get advice and sparring regarding your product(s). Please write to sikkerhed@timemsystem.com.
Costumer center
In dealing with GDPR for the Customer Center, we have decided that all cases that have been closed for more than 6 months will be deleted. After that, it is not possible to find them again. The reason for the 6 month retention period is because you as a customer will be able to seek and possibly reopen the case if it proves necessary.
For inquiries regarding customer center contact Peter Scheffman at pet@timemsystem.com.
Below you can read more about how our products comply with the rules of the new legislation.
To get more details on how GDPR is handled in mTIME, please contact Peter Scheffman at pet@timemsystem.com.
Information for all mTIME users
We recommend informing your users that no sensitive information should be entered in all comment fields in mTIME. Anything written in the comment fields of mTIME and its associated modules will be visible to the user's human resources manager, administrators, and others with rights to view the user's data.
Our mTIME and mTS managers are ready to hear from you when or if you need help.
For inquiries regarding mTIME and mTS, please contact sikkerhed@timemsystem.com
TimeEdit meets the requirements of the Personal Data Regulation (GDPR). In this connection, TimeEdit has updated the system to include it is possible to mark whether users and objects contain personally sensitive data in order to retrieve and delete this data if necessary.
Our TimeEdit consultants are ready to help review and customize your setup to be GDPR compliant. Just contact us when or if you need help. The extent of the work depends on how clear and prepared you are with regard to which parts of your set-up and object management must be marked in order to comply with the provisions of the GDPR.
Consultation time can be booked from 16 May 2018. The price for consultancy services is settled per. hour after applicable rates. Please contact our support team at support@timemsystem.com.
The system anonymizes or deletes data after a set date of your choice.
An upcoming feature allows administrators to mark data (fields) as person-sensitive.
It is also possible to delete or anonymize data for individuals, as well as store individuals' data in XML format.
Please contact our support team at support@timemsystem.com.