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Jan Badura fratræder som direktør af Visma timemsystem

Jan Badura is resigning as managing director of Visma timemsystem

Fri Mar 10 2023

Med udgangen af marts har Jan Badura haft sin sidste dag som direktør af Visma timemsystem. Som mange nok ved, så har Jan sammen med Khanh Nguyen-Cong bygget firmaet op fra bunden, og hverdagen på kontoret vil ikke være den samme uden Jan og hans indflydelse på vores arbejdsplads. Heldigvis har de gjort et solidt stykke arbejde, så vi skal nok klare os på det fundament, som Jan har spillet en kæmpe rolle i at lægge.

Vi vil gerne takke Jan for mange gode år som vores administrerende direktør i Visma timemsystem. Visma timemsystem har været meget igennem siden stiftelsen, der skete som en fusion mellem Time-Sag og KnowledgeCon.” - Direktør Khanh Nguyen-Cong.

Hvad så nu?

Det er jo de færreste virksomheder, der har fornøjelsen af at have hele to direktører. Men det har vi i Visma timemsystem haft glæde af de sidste mange år, og det betyder naturligvis, at vi med Jans fratrædelse ikke er forladt uden en styrmand ved roret: Khanh Nguyen-Cong vil fremover være eneste direktør i firmaet, og henvendelser, der før har været rettet mod Jan, skal nu rettes mod Khanh i stedet.


Den 30. marts kl. 15 holder vi en afskedsreception for Jan på vores adresse i København. Alle er velkomne, men vi har et begrænset antal pladser. Du kan tilmelde dig via vores eventside,

As of the end of March, Jan Badura has had his last day as managing director of Visma timemsystem. As many probably know, Jan has built the company from the ground up together with Khanh Nguyen-Cong, and the workday at the office will not be the same without Jan and his influence on our workplace. Luckily, they have done a solid job, so we will manage on the foundation that Jan has played a huge role in building.

We would like to thank Jan for many good years as our managing director of Visma timemsystem. Visma timemsystem has been through a lot since it was founded as a merger between Time-Sag and KnowledgeCon” - Managing director Khanh Nguyen-Cong.

What now?

It is not many companies that have the pleasure of having two managing directors. But in Visma timemsystem we have been lucky enough to have both Jan and Khanh for many years, and this also means that we are not left without a pilot to fly the plane: Khanh Nguyen-Cong will be our only managing director going forward, and the enquiries that previously have been directed to Jan must now be directed to Khanh instead.

Farewell reception

The 30th of March at 15.00 o’clock we will have a farewell reception for Jan at our office in Copenhagen. Everyone is welcome to participate, but we have a limited amount of seats available. You can sign up for the event on our event website,


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